ich ha divaersi mails becho vo luet wo sich nit so richtig choenne vorstelle, wie wiehnachte in dr'hitz isch. ich muess sage, ich ha das au nit so richtig choenne und drum het sich das ganze au nit wirklich wie wiehnachte agfuehlt (isch villicht au gar nit so schlaecht gsi, denn het e allfaelligs heimweh au kei schosse gha :o)).
natuerlich ha ich trotzdaem e chli gfiirt :o) am 24. obe bbq-party, am 25. usflug im sydney hafe mit chleine booetli und badestopps und am 26. e picknick im ne schoene stadtpark diraekt am meer :o) es sin mega schoeni taeg gsi, aber ebbe wie wiehnachte het sichs nit agfuehlt. wenn ich nit zwei riesigi paket vo minere familie becho haett :oD, haett ich's doch tatsaechlich choenne vergaesse, dass wiehnachte isch :o)
im momaent wart ich druf, dass mini visumsverlaengerig bestaetigt wird (ha miesse e brief vo dr'uni schicke, dass ich immer brav doete gsi bi und e bankuszug, dass ich gnueg gaeld ha, zum mi ufenthalt do z'finanziere...). sobald das denn oke isch, cha ich denn afo mini reis richtig bueche (planig stoht scho ziemlich) und denne cha ich au defnitiv sage, wenn ich wieder heim chum (:o) oder :o(?)
after recieving several emails saying that people can't think of christmas in the heat, i have to admit that i couldn't either. therefore the last few days didn't really feel like christmas, which was probably not too bad so there was no chance of getting homesick :o)
but of course i had to party anyway :o) on the 24th a bbq-party, on the 25th a trip on tiny boats in the sydney harbour and on the 26th a picknick in a beautiful citypark directly next to the sea. the days were really great, but as said, they didn't feel like christmas. if my family had not send me two big packets full of presents :oD i could have almost forgotten christmas :o)
at the moment i'm waiting for my visa-extention to be guaranteed (i had to send a letter from uni that i was always there and a bankstatement to prove that i have enough money to pay my stay here...). when i get that, i can start to book flights and stuff for my trip (it's already planned :o)) and then i can also say when i will be back in switzerland (:o) or :o(?)
~ Friedrich Dürrenmatt ~
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2005
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