s'neue johr het gmietlich agfange: ich ha verschiedenschti touri-sache gmacht (das zuegs wo me eifach muess gseh ha, wenn me in sydney gsi isch: harbour-bridge-walk, blue mountains, trip mit dr'monorail, beach-walks) und schliesslich au no mis visum bestaetigt becho :o)
das het beduetet, dass es aendlich los goht mit reise. es het allerdings au gheisse, dass ich vom mike und sim geniale huus (und sine mitbewohner, freya und ihre sohn indra (3 jaehrig :o)) ha miesse abschied naeh *snif* aber zum glueck bi ich jo afangs maerz nonemole fuer e paar taeg doete :o)
ich ha mi denn geschter mit em greyhound uf e waeg gmacht und als erschts do in newcastle gstoppt. ich muess sage, ich ha nonig viel gseh, will ich e chli ha miesse nocheschlofe (also das waer zumindescht dr'plan gsi, aber denne ha ich geschter obe no dr'martin (aer studiert au an dr'uni zh und isch jetzt au an dr'mq gsi) atroffe und denne isch irgendwie nuet gsi mit frieh ins bett goh :o)). huet am nomi isch aber e beachwalk uf em plan und so wie s'waetter usseht, muess ich glaub au mol bi eim pause mache und ins wasser huepfe :o)
morn gohts denn witer nach port macqarie :o)
it was a quiet start in the new yaer: i finally did all the tourist-stuff you have to have done when you were in sydney (harbour-bridge-walk, blue mountains, trip with the monorai, beach-walks). i even got my visum! :o)
that meant that i finally could start travelling :o) but it also meant that i had to say goodbye to mike and his huge & comfy house (and his flatmates freya and her son indra (aged 3 and sooo sweet :o)) *snif* but luckily i will be back in march for some few days :o)
yesterday i started my trip with greyhound and went up to newcastle. i haven't seen that much yet, because i had to catch up sleeping (at least that was the plan, but then i met martin (he is also studying at the uni in zurich and was also a semester at mq) and suddendly it wasn't very early to go to bed anymore :o)
this afternoon i want to do a beachwalk and according to the weather i think i will jump into the water once or twice :o) tomorrow i travel on to port macqarie :o)
~ Friedrich Dürrenmatt ~
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