schritt 1: immer fruendlich laechle, wenn eim e polizischt stoppt, will me chli schnaell gfahre isch. e fruendlichs witzli risse, wenn aer eim zum atemtescht ufforderet und schliesslich ifrig versichere, dass me die gsparte 100.- fuer bessers usgit... *raeusper*
schritt 2: zur raechte zit am raechte ort si = gmietlich am bootsstaeg umehange, mit dr'segelcrew wo grad zur sunset-tour ufbricht e fruendlichs schwaetzli halte und denn vo ihne iglade waerde, doch eifach mitzcho :o)
nit alli taeg sin so guenschtig, aber dr'spass chunnt nie z'kurz. im momaent bi ich grad in karratha - e affehitz do obe ;o)
freuet euch uf d'foteli :o)))
step 1: always keep a friendly smile when a policeman is stopping you because you were driving a bit too fast. make a funny joke when he asks you to do the breath test und finally assure him, that you will spend the saved 100.- on better things than fines ;o)))
step 2: be at the right place in the right moment = hang around at the jetty while chatting with the sailing-crew who prepares to start the sunset cruse, and then let you invite to jump on :o)
not all my days are that cheap, but there is always lots of fun. at the moment i'm at karratha - it's an awful heat here ;o)
~ Friedrich Dürrenmatt ~
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