Dienstag, 1. November 2005

so sehn also d'australier d'schwiz :o)

in dr'letsche wucheaend-usgab vom sydney morning herald hets e coole bricht ueber skifahre in dr'schwiz dinne gha :o) dae cha ich euch natuerlich nit vorenthalte :o)
Switzerland: Full cream ahead
(October 29, 2005 Sydney Morning Herald)
Joyce Morgan avoids the risky slopes but finds the food a bigger danger.
To my left a film crew zooms in on a blond and bronzed couple doing a piece for a travel show. Ken and Barbie go skiing, perhaps. Steaming glasses of gluhwein in hand, the Matterhorn majestic against clear blue skies. "Prost," they cry. Clink, clink.
To my right an emergency medical crew inserts a drip in the arm of a semi-conscious young man who has suffered head injuries after a particularly nasty fall on the slopes. The medics are stabilising the man before taking him by stretcher to a waiting chopper and flying him off the mountain. It is a scene Ken and Barbie's cameraman carefully avoids.
I'm seated at a table in an open-air restaurant on the slopes as the dramas unfold simultaneously about three metres each side of me. If ever there's a reminder of the joys and perils of skiing, this is it. The sight of the young man with bruises that follow the line of his goggles is certainly more potent a warning than any of the "ski within control" signs that appear across the slopes above Zermatt, a Swiss ski village on the border with Italy.
"In control" for me means slow. A triumph of enthusiasm over ability is the hallmark of my skiing style. Having taken to the slopes at an age when more sensible souls are taking up bowls means I'll probably never venture down those tricky black runs. But in a week at Zermatt there are still intermediate slopes I haven't explored.
Zermatt is so close to Italy my ski buddies and I can ski over to Cervinia for a bowl of spaghetti for lunch. It is a relief to find lighter fare over the mountain. For the Swiss eat an astonishing amount of cream, which seems to be a part of every meal. And then there's the truly excellent chocolate. A pocketful of the latter, I rationalise, is a necessity on the slopes for a quick sugar hit when my energy flags.
We reach the Italian side via a heartstopping, almost vertical, cable-car ride that deposits us in a hole carved into a sheer cliff. It's a masterpiece of engineering, like something from a James Bond movie. I almost expect to be greeted by a Dr No-type evil genius. I'm greeted instead by a 360-degree view of mountains. I feel like an ant atop a giant pavlova.
Although Zermatt is a resort town these days, the village has preserved a number of its old, traditional dark-timber buildings. In narrow side streets from the main thoroughfare, some old chalets are still lived in, while others appear to be used as barns. Perhaps they store hay for the horses that pull sleighs through the town. No cars are allowed in the village, which is reached by train. The only motorised transport is eclectic vehicles that service the hotels, lodges and ski lifts.
But we have landed on our feet. We had little idea when we booked our chalet over the internet that it was just two minutes' walk from nearest ski lift. No hanging about waiting for transport in the morning. And in the afternoons we watch other skiers wait for buses while we get a heads-up on the apres-ski in our hotel's open-air bar. Clink, clink.
From Zermatt, Grindelwald is about a four-hour train trip away, a ride that skirts the edges of lakes, pine forests and even vineyards. My wooden chalet at Grindelwald resembles a jewellery box, the sort where you lift the lid and a ballerina twirls around to Edelweiss. Outside, I'm confronted by a scene I thought existed only on Christmas cards. Snow glistens in the afternoon sun, icicles hang from roofs. I won't rattle on - happy hour approaches and we need ice cubes. We ask a waitress for some and her reply is something I never expected to hear in Switzerland: "We don't have much ice."
But she goes off to see what she can find and returns with a few small cubes in a glass. We decide on the DIY [do-it-yourself] approach, making our own on our veranda overnight, when the temperature plummets below minus 10 degrees.
We soon realise that it isn't just the chalet that has a shortage of ice cubes. After scouring the town, avoiding cowbells, cuckoo clocks and woollen beanies, we eventually find our holy grail: the only ice cube tray in Grindelwald.
Grindelwald, at the foot of the Eiger, is less a resort town than Zermatt. A couple of hours from the capital, Bern, and about a half-hour from Interlaken, it is popular with locals who drive up on weekends. The three main ski areas, Kleine Scheidegg, First and Schilthorn, are within yodelling distance, or a 10-minute bus ride, from our hotel. First is first with me, for its physical beauty and because it is home to the most perfect run I've encountered. Run No. 22 is a gentle, wide slope that just goes on and on, kilometre after kilometre. First is also home to a 15-kilometre sledge run, billed as the world's longest. Sledging is more popular in Grindelwald than in Zermatt, and not just on the slopes. Children sledge down the main street while others use a velogemel - a flat, wooden bike with a narrow ski instead of wheels.
The World Snow Festival had finished a few days before we arrive, but the giant ice sculptures, including a walk-in heart with arteries, have barely melted. Clogged arteries would be more appropriate, given the high-fat Swiss diet. After two weeks' skiing all limbs have survived intact but the waistline has suffered a major mishap.
in daem sinn cha ich nur sage, aesset nit so viel rahm!!! ;o)

und nit vergaesse: wo dir d'uhre e stund zrugg gstellt haend, haen mir se e stund fuere gstellt (mir waenn jo schliesslich au summerzit ;o)) - ich bi euch jetzt also scho 10 stund vorus ;o)

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