Dienstag, 28. Februar 2006


mittlerwile bi ich scho nach melborune witergreist. vo alice springs us ha ich bi ich mit em beriehmte ghan nach adelaide gfahre. die ganzi sach isch raecht rumplig gsi und im verglich mit schwizer zueg eher e gmietlichs faehrtli als e rasanti fahrt gsi :o) es isch aber idruecklich gsi, so eewigs eifach durs "nuet" z'fahre. s'beschte isch allerdings d'duschi gsi, wos an board gha het und wo ich natuerlich ha miesse usprobiere (drunter isch es eim denn aber nit so anderscht vorcho wie inere ganz gwoehliche duschi ;o))

in adelaide bi ich raechtzittig fuer d'eroeffnig vom fringe festival acho - allerdings nur durch zuefall ;o) aber es isch no ganz e lessige obe worde (mitere seeehr spassige parade, sehsch es denn, wenn ich d'foteli ufelad :o))

denn isch es witer gange mit em overland nach melbourne. und do bi ich jetzt sit e paar tag. es git raecht viel nochezschlofe (vo daene lange zugtripps und em usgang :o)) und no viel mehr azluege do :o) isch e haerzigs staedtli :o)


time goes by and i'm already arrived in melbourne. to travel from alice springs to adelaide i took the famous ghan. there was a lot of rumbling and compared to a swiss train it was more a unhurried trip :o) but it was really amazing to see the real outback :o) the best thing though was the onboard shower :o) of course i had to try it, but disapointingly it felt like a normal shower ;o)

in adelaide was the fringe festival going on, so there was nothing with catching up some sleep. the parade was rather strange (you'll see it as soon as the pictures are uploaded), but the evening was nevertheless cool :o)

the next day i took the overland to melbourne - and that's where i am at the moment :o) i'm trying to catch up my beauty-sleep and to visit all the interesting things here - i kind of like melbourne ;o)

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