Dienstag, 14. Februar 2006

e hai und e geischter-backpackers

d'uebersetzig chunnt gli :o)


diving on the great barrier reef was great - although it was raining almost the whole day. it was quite funny, when we were diving about 3 meters deep, one could hear the raindrops landing on the surface of the water :o)
we saw plenty of fish and i touched a sea cucumber *iiik* ;o) but best of all was the shark we saw - it was about 1.5 meters long and sleeping (or whatever - at least it was not moving). i even took a picture of it, but as it was not my camera i have to hope that paul will send me the picture as promised :o)
since the fast (and expensive) boat was already booked out, i had to take the slow (and cheap :o)) boat - it went to the same spots but was always the slowest (which means we had to start as one of the first boats in the morning and came back as one of the last... :o)) but it was really good fun and i would recommend it to everyone on a thight budget :o)

yesterday and today i went to kuranda - a small, but sweet village in the middle of the rainforest. since lonley planet recommended to stay over night (to see the village without heaps of tourists) i booked a night in the only hostel. when i came there, i was wandering around the hostel for several minutes to find some kind of reception and a guy who gave me sheets and key. the dorm was even more scary - it was a huge room with plenty of very old bunk beds and all of them empty...
the best thing though was the village without tourists: it was just dead... ;o)) so i did was the only other guest of the hostel did and went to bed with the sun... ;o)))
with tourists the village was like a jungfraujoch in australia: huge groups of japanese tourists were taking pictures from every corner ;o))
but all in all it was a nice change and since i visited the butterfly sanctuary this morning i learned some interessting facts about these animals :o)

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