Samstag, 11. Februar 2006


unglaublich, wie d'zit rast... wenn ich mol e paar tag nit am internet gsi bi, vergiss ich ganz, dass ich jo wieder mol oebbis in mi blog choennt schribe :o/ aber jetzt gits wieder news :o)

die letschti wuche bi ich uf magnetic island gsi und ha doete mini open water diving certification gmacht - isch cool gsi und mir haen sogar e paar fisch und qualle gseh :o)

morn gang ich denn aendlich mit em boot ufs great barrier reef use und so richtig go tauche - freu mi scho meeega :o)

ah jo, fuer alli wos nonig wuesse: am 10. maerz bi ich denn wieder in dr'schwiz :o) lueget, dass es bis denn wieder chli waermer wird, suscht bechum ich jo grad e schock! ;o)


it's incredible, time is just running by... a few days without internet and i totally forget to write my blog :o/ but now there are some news for you :o)

last week i spent on magnetic island and did my open water diving certification - it was really cool, we even saw some fish and - a bit scarry - also jellyfish :o)

tomorrow i'm finally going to dive properly: we're going out to the barrier reef - looking really forward to it :o)

oh, and if you don't know it yet: i will leave australia on the 6th of march and will be in switzerland on the 10th of march (after spending a few days in tokyo :o)) - prepare your tissues ;o))

1 Kommentar:

  1. so geil, ich will au! *heul* hey halt di vo de Qualle färn, will di no ganz do in de Schwyz zrug, küssli


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