Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2006

fraser island

die letschte paar taeg bi ich uf fraser island gsi - es isch eifach fantastisch gsi :o) drei tag ueber die drittgroeschti sandinsle vo australie duese und unterwaegs campe :o)
the last few days i was on fraser island - it was just awesome :o) three days of driving on the thrid biggest sandisland of australia und camping over night :o)

mir sin e mega lessigi, internationali gruppe gsi: 3 kanadier, 2 amerikanerinne, 2 schwedinne, 1 israeli und ich.
we were a cool, international group: 3 canadians, 2 americans, 2 swedish girls, 1 israeli and me.

huet nomi gohts denn witer mit abentuer: 3 tag segle um d'whitsundays *freufreu* (und zum mehr schribe bi ich jetzt z'fuul ;o))
this afternoon i'm going sailing at the whitsundays *bigsmile* (and to write anything else i'm too lazy ;o))

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey Tanja, and everyone else on r wicked trip reading this. I just wanna say the 4x4 was one of the best things I have done in oz. I felt like I made some great friends, and will never forget the times.


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