ich ha divaersi mails becho vo luet wo sich nit so richtig choenne vorstelle, wie wiehnachte in dr'hitz isch. ich muess sage, ich ha das au nit so richtig choenne und drum het sich das ganze au nit wirklich wie wiehnachte agfuehlt (isch villicht au gar nit so schlaecht gsi, denn het e allfaelligs heimweh au kei schosse gha :o)).
natuerlich ha ich trotzdaem e chli gfiirt :o) am 24. obe bbq-party, am 25. usflug im sydney hafe mit chleine booetli und badestopps und am 26. e picknick im ne schoene stadtpark diraekt am meer :o) es sin mega schoeni taeg gsi, aber ebbe wie wiehnachte het sichs nit agfuehlt. wenn ich nit zwei riesigi paket vo minere familie becho haett :oD, haett ich's doch tatsaechlich choenne vergaesse, dass wiehnachte isch :o)
im momaent wart ich druf, dass mini visumsverlaengerig bestaetigt wird (ha miesse e brief vo dr'uni schicke, dass ich immer brav doete gsi bi und e bankuszug, dass ich gnueg gaeld ha, zum mi ufenthalt do z'finanziere...). sobald das denn oke isch, cha ich denn afo mini reis richtig bueche (planig stoht scho ziemlich) und denne cha ich au defnitiv sage, wenn ich wieder heim chum (:o) oder :o(?)
after recieving several emails saying that people can't think of christmas in the heat, i have to admit that i couldn't either. therefore the last few days didn't really feel like christmas, which was probably not too bad so there was no chance of getting homesick :o)
but of course i had to party anyway :o) on the 24th a bbq-party, on the 25th a trip on tiny boats in the sydney harbour and on the 26th a picknick in a beautiful citypark directly next to the sea. the days were really great, but as said, they didn't feel like christmas. if my family had not send me two big packets full of presents :oD i could have almost forgotten christmas :o)
at the moment i'm waiting for my visa-extention to be guaranteed (i had to send a letter from uni that i was always there and a bankstatement to prove that i have enough money to pay my stay here...). when i get that, i can start to book flights and stuff for my trip (it's already planned :o)) and then i can also say when i will be back in switzerland (:o) or :o(?)
~ Friedrich Dürrenmatt ~
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2005
Samstag, 24. Dezember 2005
vor e paar tag bi ich wieder zrugg nach sydney cho. isch no luschtig gsi, wo ich mit em flieger glandet bi, isch es scho fasch gsi wie heim cho ;o) ich wohn do jetzt mit em philipp bim jesse in dr'wohnig, will aer isch ebbe ueber wiehnachte sini eltere in new york go bsueche. fuer mi isch das e richtigs luxusapartment: internetaschluss und funktionierendi waeschmaschine und erscht no e trockner :o)
unterdesse ha ich's au gschafft, mol wieder foteli ufezlade. natuerlich ha ich nur die allerbeschte druf do. falls du luscht hesch, denn mol no mehr azluege, muesch mi denn halt mol traeffe wenn ich wieder zrugg bi :o)
geschter sin mir (philipp und ich) wieder mol gsi go surfe und denn haen mir daenkt mir stelle doch no e fotograf a, wo unseri kuenscht fotelet :o) und das lost sich jetzt natuerlich au uf em web bewundere :o)
no e kurze hiwis zum fotialbum: die einzelne albums waerde alphabetisch sortiert, drum haen die neue vorne e *, so sin die neuschte immer z'vorderscht :o) viel spass bim aluege :o)
ui jo, und fascht haett ichs vergaesse: froehlichi wiehnachte :o)
some few days ago i came back to sydney. it was quite funny, as the plane landed in sydney it felt almost like coming home :o) at the moment i'm staying with philipp at jesse's flat, because he's visiting his parents in new york. it feels really luxurious: internet and a washingmachine which is working and even a dryer :o)
now there are also the latest pictures on the web. i just uploaded the best of the best, so if you want to see the rest, just visit me in zurich sometime ;o)) (or just ask me before i'm leaving :o))
yesterday philipp and i were surfing again - this time with a photographer :o) pictures are also available in the yahoo-photoalbum :o)
hint for the photoalbum: the albums are always in alphabetical order, that's why i put a * in front of the new albums. therefore the newest albums are always on top :o) enjoy :o)
oh, and: merry christmas ;o)
unterdesse ha ich's au gschafft, mol wieder foteli ufezlade. natuerlich ha ich nur die allerbeschte druf do. falls du luscht hesch, denn mol no mehr azluege, muesch mi denn halt mol traeffe wenn ich wieder zrugg bi :o)
geschter sin mir (philipp und ich) wieder mol gsi go surfe und denn haen mir daenkt mir stelle doch no e fotograf a, wo unseri kuenscht fotelet :o) und das lost sich jetzt natuerlich au uf em web bewundere :o)
no e kurze hiwis zum fotialbum: die einzelne albums waerde alphabetisch sortiert, drum haen die neue vorne e *, so sin die neuschte immer z'vorderscht :o) viel spass bim aluege :o)
ui jo, und fascht haett ichs vergaesse: froehlichi wiehnachte :o)
some few days ago i came back to sydney. it was quite funny, as the plane landed in sydney it felt almost like coming home :o) at the moment i'm staying with philipp at jesse's flat, because he's visiting his parents in new york. it feels really luxurious: internet and a washingmachine which is working and even a dryer :o)
now there are also the latest pictures on the web. i just uploaded the best of the best, so if you want to see the rest, just visit me in zurich sometime ;o)) (or just ask me before i'm leaving :o))
yesterday philipp and i were surfing again - this time with a photographer :o) pictures are also available in the yahoo-photoalbum :o)
hint for the photoalbum: the albums are always in alphabetical order, that's why i put a * in front of the new albums. therefore the newest albums are always on top :o) enjoy :o)
oh, and: merry christmas ;o)
Freitag, 16. Dezember 2005
how to save 150.- in one day ;o)
schritt 1: immer fruendlich laechle, wenn eim e polizischt stoppt, will me chli schnaell gfahre isch. e fruendlichs witzli risse, wenn aer eim zum atemtescht ufforderet und schliesslich ifrig versichere, dass me die gsparte 100.- fuer bessers usgit... *raeusper*
schritt 2: zur raechte zit am raechte ort si = gmietlich am bootsstaeg umehange, mit dr'segelcrew wo grad zur sunset-tour ufbricht e fruendlichs schwaetzli halte und denn vo ihne iglade waerde, doch eifach mitzcho :o)
nit alli taeg sin so guenschtig, aber dr'spass chunnt nie z'kurz. im momaent bi ich grad in karratha - e affehitz do obe ;o)
freuet euch uf d'foteli :o)))
step 1: always keep a friendly smile when a policeman is stopping you because you were driving a bit too fast. make a funny joke when he asks you to do the breath test und finally assure him, that you will spend the saved 100.- on better things than fines ;o)))
step 2: be at the right place in the right moment = hang around at the jetty while chatting with the sailing-crew who prepares to start the sunset cruse, and then let you invite to jump on :o)
not all my days are that cheap, but there is always lots of fun. at the moment i'm at karratha - it's an awful heat here ;o)
schritt 2: zur raechte zit am raechte ort si = gmietlich am bootsstaeg umehange, mit dr'segelcrew wo grad zur sunset-tour ufbricht e fruendlichs schwaetzli halte und denn vo ihne iglade waerde, doch eifach mitzcho :o)
nit alli taeg sin so guenschtig, aber dr'spass chunnt nie z'kurz. im momaent bi ich grad in karratha - e affehitz do obe ;o)
freuet euch uf d'foteli :o)))
step 1: always keep a friendly smile when a policeman is stopping you because you were driving a bit too fast. make a funny joke when he asks you to do the breath test und finally assure him, that you will spend the saved 100.- on better things than fines ;o)))
step 2: be at the right place in the right moment = hang around at the jetty while chatting with the sailing-crew who prepares to start the sunset cruse, and then let you invite to jump on :o)
not all my days are that cheap, but there is always lots of fun. at the moment i'm at karratha - it's an awful heat here ;o)
Freitag, 9. Dezember 2005
james, the crayfisher
internet do isch tuer und langsam - drum nur die spannendschte news, alles langwilige gits denn wieder in de emails (oder isch es umgekehrt? ;o))
im backpackers in cervantes ha ich e crayfisher atroffe (e richtige australier mit mega krassem dialaekt "g'day my name is james, i wok he, i'm a crayfishe" ;o)) dae het mir denn so passioniert vo sim job vorgschwaermt, dass mir tatsaechlich am morge am halber fuenfi ufgstande sin zum mit ihm go fische :o) aber es het sich glohnt (obwohl d'waelle eimol mega hoch gsi sin und mi mage das nur halb so toll gfunde het ;o)) - isch aecht spannend gsi, das ganze z'beobachte und ich ha glaub dr'frueschtischti crayfish ever gaesse ;o) (aer het dae fruesch fuer uns grillt, diraekt no uf em boot :o))
jetzt bi ich in kalbarri, do hets e mega geniale nationalpark und schoene strand - foteli gits denn wieder wenn ich wieder "deheim" (=sydney :o)) bi :o)
~~*~~*~~*~~literal interpretation~~*~~*~~*~~
internet here is expensive and slow - therefore you just get the latest news, everything boring comes in the mails (or is it the other way round? ;o))
at cervantes backpackers i met a crayfisher, which was so passionated about his job that he could convince me to get up at 4.30 am to go crayfishing with him :o) it was a great experience (although once my stomach didn't agree totally ;o)) and i ate the freshest crayfish ever (grilled on the boat by james :o))
now i'm in kalbarri, they got a great national park and a lovely beach - you'll get some photos when i'm "home" (=sydney) again :o)
im backpackers in cervantes ha ich e crayfisher atroffe (e richtige australier mit mega krassem dialaekt "g'day my name is james, i wok he, i'm a crayfishe" ;o)) dae het mir denn so passioniert vo sim job vorgschwaermt, dass mir tatsaechlich am morge am halber fuenfi ufgstande sin zum mit ihm go fische :o) aber es het sich glohnt (obwohl d'waelle eimol mega hoch gsi sin und mi mage das nur halb so toll gfunde het ;o)) - isch aecht spannend gsi, das ganze z'beobachte und ich ha glaub dr'frueschtischti crayfish ever gaesse ;o) (aer het dae fruesch fuer uns grillt, diraekt no uf em boot :o))
jetzt bi ich in kalbarri, do hets e mega geniale nationalpark und schoene strand - foteli gits denn wieder wenn ich wieder "deheim" (=sydney :o)) bi :o)
~~*~~*~~*~~literal interpretation~~*~~*~~*~~
internet here is expensive and slow - therefore you just get the latest news, everything boring comes in the mails (or is it the other way round? ;o))
at cervantes backpackers i met a crayfisher, which was so passionated about his job that he could convince me to get up at 4.30 am to go crayfishing with him :o) it was a great experience (although once my stomach didn't agree totally ;o)) and i ate the freshest crayfish ever (grilled on the boat by james :o))
now i'm in kalbarri, they got a great national park and a lovely beach - you'll get some photos when i'm "home" (=sydney) again :o)
Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2005
juhuuuu, am maentig isch es aendlich mit reise losgange :o) mir sin mit qantas nach perth gfloge und do am flughafe grad vom jan sinere kollegin abgholt worde, wo mit uns e chleini stadtrundfahrt gmacht het :o) d'stadt isch uns irgendwie chli usgstorbe vorcho und dae idruck het sich bis jetzt nit gross gaenderet...
jedefalls haen mirs denn in das mega coole dreihrestaurant gschaffft - das isch naemlich au e gschicht fuer sich gsi. s'jasmin het mi gseit, dass ich unbedingt doet ufe muess zum d'ussicht ueber d'stadt gniesse. ich ha denn natuerlich in mim lonely planet nach tower gsuecht und denne sin mir doete ane gloffe. zu minere enttueschig isch das aber nur e chleine turm gsi (swan bell tower) und vo restaurant wit und breit nuet ume. denn sin mir zur turi-info und wo ich vom ne tower gschwaetzt ha, het sie mi nur chi komisch agluegt, aber wo ich denn vom dreihresti verzellt ha, het sie's denn checkt :o) und so haen mir's doch no gschafft, die atemberaubendi ussichti ueber perth z'gniesse.
geschter sin mir denn go freo (dr'gwoehnlichi touri schwaetzt vo fremantle ;o)) aluege. e haerzigs verschlofes quartier vo perth. haen e tour im gfaengnis gmacht, isch raecht spannend gsi. denn haen mir no chli mehr welle aluege und sin wieder mol uf d'touriste-info. sie het uns denn hunderti museums ufzellt, und wo ich denn gfrogt ha, oebbs no oebbis anders als musee git, het sie ploetzlich nuet me gseit ;o)))
jetzt hole mir denn unsers auteli ab (bi jo gspannt wie das wird uf dr'"falsche" site z'fahre :o)) und denne gohts los mit em road trip *freufreu*
~~*~~*~~*~~literal interpretation~~*~~*~~*~~
yeah, i finally started travelling :o) on monday we flew with qantas to perth, where we were picked up by a friend of jan who did a sightseeing tour with us :o) we thought that the city is a bit empty (where do they hide all their inhabitants??) and the impression hasn't changed much since....
anyway, we then wanted to go to the revolving restaurant, but that was not an easy task ;o) lonely planet guided us to the swan bell tower which is far from being a tall building and there is no restaurant... so we went to the tourist information and after explaining for maybe 5 minutes ("no, not the swan bell tower, i don't know the name, there must be a restaurant....") they showed us the way :o) so in the end we could enjoy the visit over perth (we even saw a traffic jam - so there must be some more people than we have seen in the afternoon ;o))
oh yes, the view? - awesome ;o)
yesterday we went to freo (the ordinary tourist calls it fremantle ;o)), it's a nice sleepy suburb from perth. we did a tour in the old prison, but since there isn't anything else, except from one million museums (after i asked the nice lady from the tourist information if there is sth else than museums she was quiet...), we didn't do much more :o)
now we're going to pick up our car (hopefully i'll be able to drive on the "wrong" side ;o)) and then we start our road trip :D
jedefalls haen mirs denn in das mega coole dreihrestaurant gschaffft - das isch naemlich au e gschicht fuer sich gsi. s'jasmin het mi gseit, dass ich unbedingt doet ufe muess zum d'ussicht ueber d'stadt gniesse. ich ha denn natuerlich in mim lonely planet nach tower gsuecht und denne sin mir doete ane gloffe. zu minere enttueschig isch das aber nur e chleine turm gsi (swan bell tower) und vo restaurant wit und breit nuet ume. denn sin mir zur turi-info und wo ich vom ne tower gschwaetzt ha, het sie mi nur chi komisch agluegt, aber wo ich denn vom dreihresti verzellt ha, het sie's denn checkt :o) und so haen mir's doch no gschafft, die atemberaubendi ussichti ueber perth z'gniesse.
geschter sin mir denn go freo (dr'gwoehnlichi touri schwaetzt vo fremantle ;o)) aluege. e haerzigs verschlofes quartier vo perth. haen e tour im gfaengnis gmacht, isch raecht spannend gsi. denn haen mir no chli mehr welle aluege und sin wieder mol uf d'touriste-info. sie het uns denn hunderti museums ufzellt, und wo ich denn gfrogt ha, oebbs no oebbis anders als musee git, het sie ploetzlich nuet me gseit ;o)))
jetzt hole mir denn unsers auteli ab (bi jo gspannt wie das wird uf dr'"falsche" site z'fahre :o)) und denne gohts los mit em road trip *freufreu*
~~*~~*~~*~~literal interpretation~~*~~*~~*~~
yeah, i finally started travelling :o) on monday we flew with qantas to perth, where we were picked up by a friend of jan who did a sightseeing tour with us :o) we thought that the city is a bit empty (where do they hide all their inhabitants??) and the impression hasn't changed much since....
anyway, we then wanted to go to the revolving restaurant, but that was not an easy task ;o) lonely planet guided us to the swan bell tower which is far from being a tall building and there is no restaurant... so we went to the tourist information and after explaining for maybe 5 minutes ("no, not the swan bell tower, i don't know the name, there must be a restaurant....") they showed us the way :o) so in the end we could enjoy the visit over perth (we even saw a traffic jam - so there must be some more people than we have seen in the afternoon ;o))
oh yes, the view? - awesome ;o)
yesterday we went to freo (the ordinary tourist calls it fremantle ;o)), it's a nice sleepy suburb from perth. we did a tour in the old prison, but since there isn't anything else, except from one million museums (after i asked the nice lady from the tourist information if there is sth else than museums she was quiet...), we didn't do much more :o)
now we're going to pick up our car (hopefully i'll be able to drive on the "wrong" side ;o)) and then we start our road trip :D
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