ich hab letztes wochenende endlich meine schlafzimmereinrichtung (in schwarzbraun - oder war's braunschwarz? jedenfalls in ikeas farbe der saison) gekauft, bin her und hin und her gefahren (ja, das bett wollte ich wirklich in schwarzbraun/braunschwarz und nicht in birke, also birke wieder hin und dann das dunkle wieder her) und hab schliesslich auch alles zusammengebaut.
den alten schrank, das bett und den arbeitsplatz hatte ich dann im internet ausgeschrieben, so dass sich ein armer student gratis eine neue einrichtung holen kann... hat zumindest für den schrank wunderbar geklappt:
hallo tanja,
wuerde den schrak heute, do, gerne zwischen 8 - 19 uhr abholen.
bitte melde dich umegehend bei mir [mobilenummer]
bin student der uzh.
lg [name]
da kam dann der nette student, holt sich den schrank ab und lässt sich dabei widerwillig von mir helfen. wo die ganzen bretter dann in seinem fahrzeug sind - und er sich bestimmt schon drei mal versichert hatte, dass da wirklich alles dabei wäre und man den schrank bestimmt auch wieder aufstellen kann - sagen wir tschüss und ich will wieder rein. da meint er: "ich meld mich dann nochmal, wenn ich ihn zusammensetzen kann"
ich: äh?... "und wenn nicht? dann meldest du dich nicht? oder dann bekomme ich einen anschiss?"
er: "äh nein, dann melde ich mich wohl auch nochmal"
~ Friedrich Dürrenmatt ~
Donnerstag, 26. November 2009
Sonntag, 1. November 2009
breakfast with air france
during online-check-in i realized that my flight confirmation for the flight from zurich to paris said "on board service: breakfast" and the connecting from paris to dublin "on board service: snack" therefore i decided not to have breakfast so i wouldn't ruin my appetite.
sitting in my seat this morning the chef de cabine told us the flight duration would be one hour. i started asking myself how this would fit with my breakfast. as it turned out there was nothing to worry because breakfast consisted of "coffee or tea?" and un très petit pain de chocolat (lucky me, i didn't stick to my resolution and already ate a yoghurt at home ;))
next shock: my luggage had to go through paris charles de gaulle - all the stories of lost luggage came back to my mind. which at least distracted me of thinking what the "snack" might be - peanuts maybe?
mysteriously i wasn't hungry at all when i landed in paris, so i didn't bother to buy food... boarding the new plane, there was enough to catch my attention: i was sitting under the wing - which was quite cool, cause you still had the view (unfortunately didn't see anything of paris)
and the flight attendant - matt damon's elder brother - called me "mademoiselle" :D the snack in the end wasbetter bigger than i expected: a whole half of a salami-sandwich (with sponge-bread)
sitting in my seat this morning the chef de cabine told us the flight duration would be one hour. i started asking myself how this would fit with my breakfast. as it turned out there was nothing to worry because breakfast consisted of "coffee or tea?" and un très petit pain de chocolat (lucky me, i didn't stick to my resolution and already ate a yoghurt at home ;))
next shock: my luggage had to go through paris charles de gaulle - all the stories of lost luggage came back to my mind. which at least distracted me of thinking what the "snack" might be - peanuts maybe?
mysteriously i wasn't hungry at all when i landed in paris, so i didn't bother to buy food... boarding the new plane, there was enough to catch my attention: i was sitting under the wing - which was quite cool, cause you still had the view (unfortunately didn't see anything of paris)
and the flight attendant - matt damon's elder brother - called me "mademoiselle" :D the snack in the end was
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