Mittwoch, 5. November 2008

"interested at your assignment"

last saturday i got the following email:
Hi Tanja,
I am a Macquarie University student. I am doing my security management assignment and while I am searching on the web I found your article

mis neue 5000-wort-assignment

with the exactly the same assignment question that I am having.

Assignment #2
Management of Information Security is a balancing act between the goal of perfect security and the boundaries to which budget and resources will stretch. Based on your experimental company’s TRA, SoA and Scope Statement:
Provide a detailed plan for implementing an information security project to implement baseline controls. The plan should show resources, timeframes and expected costs and may be in Word, Excel or MS Project formats. Include narrative statements is using the latter two formats.
Describe in detail how you would escalate a security breach for the following:
Exposure of financial information relating to the company’s internal accounts;
Exposure of client and/or internal credit card details to a third party;
Theft of computer hardware from your site and from a parked car at a motel; and
Suspected hacking of your email and finance server(s).
In the above breaches, refer to the policies and procedures that should be used, the internal/external parties that should be informed/involved and show how the information assets are protected by the control strategies adopted within the TRA. If your controls are inadequate, describe how you would modify the TRA to reflect the changes required. What would be the costs involved and how would you promote the cost/benefits?
Identify the extent to which your processing environment is open to attack. Assume that you are using Microsoft Windows 2003, Solaris 10 and HP/UX servers, with Linux and WindowsXP desktops. Determine what controls are necessary to minimise interruptions to services. What is the likely cost for the controls?

Could you send me your assignment ? I am not sure how 's that how to escalate the breaches. I have to hand it in with 20 hours. Please help.
Regards, Gabriel.

too bad i saw it too late...
gabriel, if you're still following my blog, i can give you only one advice: enjoy milton's class, you'll learn something for life ;) - and he's rather kind in rating the assignments :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. This is plagiarism anyway! I doubt that this guy would have taken you assignment as a guidance for his own. 20h is not much time to read one and then create your own... :-)

    Poor bugger was probably more interested in havin' a good time in Sydney than doing assignments.

    I found Milton's assignments a hell lot of work as well, however his rating was fair, if you show you understand the main point:

    Security Management is a trade off between risk mitigation and risk acceptance. And last but not least it's a people's business.

    How's PWC sweety?

    Greetings from Cologne,

  2. i know... don't think i would have send it to him anyway... or maybe with a copy to milton ;)

    pwc is good, and the knowledge from miltons class helps a lot ;) how are you doing? have you met jen yet?
    err... i guess i should write you an email or something ;)


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