Samstag, 26. April 2008

getting paid to drive a mini around...

this was my little dodu ;) and it was really fun driving around germany and switzerland (all in all it was 1440 km) - but the job wasn't that easy...

we had to get up early (no pictures here ;)) ...

...wash our cars...

...then erect a booth...

...wait for the students to show up...

...and entertain them.

at least we got decent hotel rooms (augsburg, konstanz, rapperswil, luzern) and a few hours of sleep every night ;)

in augsburg we even had time to do some few minutes of sight seeing :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Tanja,

    does that mean you will be working for Accenture in the future, or was that just some promotion job you did?

  2. ssshhh.... you're not supposed to tell the name since i took all the pain to erase it from the pictures ;) (yes, i know it's still in the picture's names, but not a lot of people bother to really open them...)

    nope, won't work for accenture. we had our chance and i took mine while they blowed theirs ;)


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