Samstag, 26. April 2008

getting paid to drive a mini around...

this was my little dodu ;) and it was really fun driving around germany and switzerland (all in all it was 1440 km) - but the job wasn't that easy...

we had to get up early (no pictures here ;)) ...

...wash our cars...

...then erect a booth...

...wait for the students to show up...

...and entertain them.

at least we got decent hotel rooms (augsburg, konstanz, rapperswil, luzern) and a few hours of sleep every night ;)

in augsburg we even had time to do some few minutes of sight seeing :)

Samstag, 19. April 2008

yes, i did come back ;)

it's been a while since i gave you the last update.... it is partly because i was lazy when i came home, but mostly because my computer had to see a doctor. unfortunately these guys weren't very skilful, so i had to send it in twice :(

but now it's back and i'm working on answering emails, updating my blog (as you can see ;)) and of course on uploading the pictures from usa and canada. since i took about 1500 pictures (now i wish i've had an analoge camera with me ;)) it takes me a while to sort them out...

but keep checking in, it shouldn't be too long until they're online :)

Mein Januar 2025

Gesehen Grease - das Musical 😍 im Theater 11 . Die lieben Eltern in den Kammerspielen Seeb . Die Aussicht von der Jules Verne Bar. Gelese...