Sonntag, 27. Januar 2008

getting ready for holidays....

wooohoooooo i'm really going on holidays!!! with rahel i'm going on a road trip on the west coast of the usa and i'm gonna visit james in canada; i'm really really looking forward to it!! as you can see, i'm already counting the days until take-off :)

i booked all the flights (i even got a call from my bank, asking if it's me who's doing all these bookings on my credit card - aren't they sweet? ;)) and i also booked my hostel in new york

feel free to tell me your secret travel tips for - new york - san francisco - everything between san francisco and san diego - vancouver - calgary - toronto - quebec - montreal. if your tip is really hot you might even get a postcard from overseas ;)

Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2008

what to do with 300.- you get for christmas :)

well, first say thank you :) but then there are millions of things you could do... what i did was this:

first, i bought myself an external hard drive (yes, that's the one that's gonna make me die happy ;))

and then i went to the fritag shop and bought myself a bag :) what i got for free was the view from the truck spotting plattform :)

the stairs...

first glance

second glance

and the view from the top :)

Mein Januar 2025

Gesehen Grease - das Musical 😍 im Theater 11 . Die lieben Eltern in den Kammerspielen Seeb . Die Aussicht von der Jules Verne Bar. Gelese...