Mittwoch, 15. März 2006

back home? - well, back in zurich

ich bi wieder zrugg... aber wie deheim fühlt sichs nonig wirklich a - es sin immer no z'viel komischi sache do (wieso muess ich mit allne lüt schwizerdütsch rede? wieso schreie sie alli "grüezi" anstatt eifach "hi" z'sage? wieso wiche si alli uf die falschi site de fuessgänger us (oder bi ich das? ;o)) wie überquer ich d'stross ohni vom ne auto überfahre z'wärde? [...])

aber es het natürlich au e mängi cooli sache: ich cha mini lieblingsschoggi (ovo-schoggi :o)) wieder ässe, alli hän e mega freud, wenn sie mi wieder sehn, mi bett isch mi bett (und es git doch nüt bequemers als s'eigene bett! :o)), es schneit (obwohls iskalt isch - minus 7 grad), ich muess nüm us minere täsche läbe, ich ha ungefähr ei million kleider im schrank...

ich bi immer no chli am alles ufrume (inklusive foteli) aber die wärde in de nächste paar täg denn mol uf em web z'seh si :o)


i'm back... but it doesn't feel really like home - there are too many weird things (why do i have to speak swissgerman to everyone? why do they all cry "grüezi" instead of saying "hi"? why do they all avoid hitting a pedestrian on the wrong side? (or is it me? ;o)) how can i cross the street without being hit by a car? [...])

but there are also a lot of cool things: i can eat my favorite chocolate again, everyone is really happy to see me, my bed is my bed (and there is nothing more comfortable then one's own bed! :o)), it snows (although it is freeeeeezing - minus 7 degrees), i don't have to live out of my bag anymore, i have millions of clothes...

i'm still working on tidying up all my things (inclusive pictures!) so if i promised you some pictures, you'll get them the next days :o)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Tanja!

    Know exactly how you feel. Felt really strange coming back home and driving on the wrong side of the road - on snow&ice! Even worse that after a couple of minutes nobody actually cares about how it was Down Under.
    Guess it take some time before we're used to "all the old stuff" again :)

  2. Hi Tanja
    So you are home again! I guess you must feel Switzerland really small after being in Australia. At least that's my feeling, when I have to go "home" (what isn't my home anymore). Everything is to small there. Your nature pictures on the website are very nice, congratulations!
    Your uncle Markus from Las Vegas


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