Montag, 15. Mai 2006


juhuuuu es isch unglaublich, hüt isch glaubs mi glückstag ;o) mini wunschfirma het mir aglüte und gfunde, dass s'jobinterview und dr'assessment-day verschobe wärde und denne bechumm ich no e brief vo minere krankekasse, dass sie nit nur d'hälfti vo dr'wisheitszahnrächnig sondern grad die ganzi zahle :oD - das heisst ich ha gschänkt becho, was mir im momänt am meischte fählt: zit und gäld ;o)) jetzt cha ich die wuche doch no schlofe ;o))


wow it's just incredible, looks like it's my luckyday today :o) the company where i wanna do my internship just called and told me that my job-interview and the assessment-day is postphoned. and if that wouldn't be enough i got a letter from my health insurance company telling me that they not only pay half of my wisdom-teeth-bill but the whole bill! :oD i just got what i'm missing most at the moment: time and money ;o))) which means there will be some sleep for me this week ;o)

-> james, i'll write soon, i promise! :o)

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2006


es isch unglaublich, was ich grad alles z'tue ha: seminararbet schribe, schaffe, blockseminar-tutorat (übers weekend :o/), praktikum organisiere, schlofe, ässe, kleider für vorstelligsgspräch kaufe... so gohts ewigs witer...

im momänt haltet mi hauptsächlich dr'glaube an d'liebi am läbe und s'redbull wach ;o))


i'm crazy busy; i have to write a seminar paper, work, do a tutorial for a seminar over the weekend, organise my internship, sleep, eat, buy clothes for job interviews... it's a never ending list...

the only thing which keeps me alive is the believe in love - and what keeps me awake is redbull ;o)) so please excuse me for not writing back, i promise i'll do it as soon as possible! xox

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